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The tea everyone should be drinking

Many of us drink tea quite often. In fact, tea is the second most drank beverage after water. But tea isn’t just any beverage; it has a unique set of compounds called catechins that have been shown to improve health. Catechins are flavonoids that occur naturally in the leaves of the tea plant that primarily act as antioxidants that help to prevent damage to our cells, reduce inflammation and reduce the formation of harmful free radical substances in our cells. And because many diseases seen today like cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease and even others like arthritis are linked to inflammation and damage to our cells, foods high in catechins such as tea, apples and cocoa are of significant value to our health. But when it comes to tea, not all tea comes created equal. Some forms of tea are healthier than others. And green tea in particular towers above the rest particularly because it has a very high concentration of one specific catechin called EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) that is more powerful than most of the others. And so when thinking about a healthy tea, green tea has royalty status. But, there is even more exciting news. Even among green teas, there is one that is the king among the royals. That is none other than Matcha green tea. Matcha is a concentrated powdered form of green tea that has been used for centuries in Japan and China and in some societies is considered a sacred form of tea. Matcha is made from the same leaves used to make most tea, but the plants that are grown to make Matcha undergo a unique process to ensure that the chlorophyll and catechin levels are increased about two weeks before harvesting. Here are 10 reasons why you should have and drink matcha tea regularly, especially in this time of COVID 19. 1. Extremely high in antioxidants, particularly EGCG I’ve already mentioned that matcha tea is high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the magical nutrients and enzymes responsible for preventing several life-threatening diseases, fighting against the adverse effects of cancer-causing radiation and even giving us younger-looking skin. Like already mentioned, Matcha has a considerable amount of the catechin EGCG, which makes up 60% of the catechins in Matcha Green Tea. Among antioxidants, catechins are the most potent and beneficial and are the most widely recognized for its cancer-fighting properties. In fact, some scientists have found that after harvest, matcha tea contains over 100 times more EGCG than any other tea on the market. 2. Has potent antiviral activity including against respiratory viruses The catechins in Matcha have been shown to have antibiotic properties but specifically antiviral properties targeting respiratory viruses. And research has confirmed this. One study conducted on healthcare workers found that the catechins in green tea exhibit amazing antiviral activity and may help prevent upper respiratory infections1. Another study showed that catechins in tea inhibit the spread of the influenza virus and some cold viruses, particularly those that affect the respiratory tract2. Considering that COVID 19 is a viral respiratory infection, everyone should be taking matcha tea in this time. If you don’t own a pack, ensure you get one immediately. Other studies have even suggested that the nutrients in Matcha may have the ability to inhibit the attacks of HIV on human T-cells. Additionally, Matcha provides substantial quantities of Potassium, Vitamins A & C, Iron and calcium need for immune system health 3. It detoxifies the body The high levels of chlorophyll in Matcha from the way the plant is grown not only give this tea its beautiful vibrant green color but also ensure that Matcha is a powerful detoxifier capable of naturally removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body. 4. It may help to prevent cancer Right now, everyone is thinking about COVID 19, but let us not forget other devastating diseases like cancer. We must still work towards cancer prevention, and matcha tea is one food linked with the reduction of breast, colon, rectal, bladder and prostate cancer3. 5. Enhances calm and reduces anxiety Matcha tea is high the amino acid L-Theanine which is potent in inducing a state of calmness and relaxation without any drowsiness. It also leads to the production of a chemical called GABA that helps to reduce anxiety. In this time of increased anxiety, we could all do with some matcha tea 6. Boosts Memory and Concentration Another effect of L-Theanine is the production of dopamine and serotonin. These two chemicals serve to enhance mood, improve memory, and promote better concentration – something that can benefit everyone! 7. Increases Energy Levels and Endurance Matcha has been shown to boost energy levels, improve exercise endurance and even help muscle recovery after exercise. The increased endurance from matcha tea can last up to 6 hours and because of the effects of L-Theanine 8. Burns Calories and promotes weight loss Drinking Matcha Green Tea has also been shown to increase metabolism and help the body burn fat about four times faster than average. Studies have shown that ingestion of catechins from tea leads to a reduction in body fat over time4. 9. Improves cholesterol and reduces the risk for high blood pressure and heart disease It has been shown that people who drink Matcha regularly have lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while at the same time displaying higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. Men who drink Matcha Green Tea are about 11% less likely to develop heart disease than those who don’t drink Matcha. 10. Reduces the risk of diabetes Matcha is linked with better blood sugar control and improved sensitivity to insulin. People who drink Matcha tea long term have better blood sugar control So, admittedly, this is a tea that should be in every household and at every workplace. Fortunately, unlike a lot of other teas which require sugar, milk, or lemon to make them palatable to the average consumer, Matcha is absolutely incredible all by itself. Its crisp vegetative taste is complemented by the taste of the L-Theanine amino acid, making Matcha a tea that is truly unique in every way. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a delicious cup of hot Matcha. And, by the way, Matcha can also be added to smoothies and even to baked items. I really want to encourage everyone to get matcha tea and begin having 1 to 2 cups a day. Especially since we all want to have strong immunities and adequate responses to COVID 19, this is one tea everyone should be drinking. If you’d like to buy matcha tea, fortunately, we still have some in stock. You can call us on +256 701 450450, +256 775 829938, or visit my website where you can order via our online store. Once again, please stay safe. Stay at home and avoid unnecessary movement and take all precaution to prevent COVID 19. Together we shall overcome this virus. Wishing you peace, health and happiness When “I” is replaced by “We”, even Illness becomes Wellness – Malcolm X References

  1. Furushima D, Nishimura T, Takuma N, Iketani R, Mizuno T, Matsui Y, Yamaguchi T, Nakashima Y, Yamamoto S, Hibi M, Yamada H. Prevention of Acute Upper Respiratory Infections by Consumption of Catechins in Healthcare Workers: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2020 Jan;12(1):4.

  2. Furushima D, Ide K, Yamada H. Effect of tea catechins on influenza infection and the common cold with a focus on epidemiological/clinical studies. Molecules. 2018 Jul;23(7):1795.

  3. Kurahashi N, Sasazuki S, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Shoichiro Tsugane for the JPHC Study Group. Green tea consumption and prostate cancer risk in Japanese men: a prospective study. American journal of epidemiology. 2008 Jan 1;167(1):71-7.

  4. Nagao T, Komine Y, Soga S, Meguro S, Hase T, Tanaka Y, Tokimitsu I. Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2005 Jan 1;81(1):122-9.

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