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Dr. Paul Kasenene

Learn to reduce cholesterol naturally

Yes. You can lower your cholesterol naturally

A large number of adults have high total cholesterol levels l, placing them at risk for heart disease and other health problems (High cholesterol is one of the most important risk factors for heart disease). Elevated cholesterol is also associated with increased risk of several cancers. However today, most people have been put on cholesterol lowering drugs to help them with this problem. The most common of these drugs are called statins. Statin drugs are not as effective for reducing cholesterol as an excellent diet coupled with exercise. Although statins have some modest benefits in lowering cholesterol levels, observations have shown that a high nutrient diet and exercise for 6 weeks will have similar or superior cholesterol lowering benefits and other healthful benefits like increasing energy levels, reducing high blood pressure, reducing the effect so stress and excess work without the harmful side effects that are associated with statins. Statins are associated with liver dysfunction, acute renal failure, cataracts, diabetes, and impaired muscle function. In contrast, not only will a high nutrient diet lower cholesterol, it will also decrease heart disease risk by improving other factors such glucose levels, blood pressure, inflammation, and body weight. The safest and healthiest strategy for reducing cholesterol and preventing future heart attacks and strokes starts with eating a high nutrient, vegetable-based diet with plenty of raw and cooked vegetables. In particular, follow these 10 simple rules to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and to protect against heart disease:

  1. Eat at least one cup of beans every day. Beans are packed with resistant starch, soluble fiber, and phytochemicals, which help to lower cholesterol – an analysis of 10 trials found that consuming beans regularly significantly reduced total and LDL cholesterol. Plus, a 19-year study found that people who eat beans at least four times a week have a 22% lower risk of heart disease than those who eat beans less than once a week.

  2. Eat at least one to two handfuls of raw nuts and two tablespoons of chia seeds daily. When eaten regularly, nuts not only reduce total and LDL cholesterol, but also aid in weight control, reduce the glycaemic load of the diet, and reduce heart disease risk by 35%. Nuts and seeds have a variety of heart healthy nutrients, including plant sterols, antioxidants, minerals, and arginine. Try and find some walnuts in your diet for their omega-3 and other heart protective benefits.

Chia seeds are thought to contain the highest known source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids as well as have lignans, flavonoids, sterols, and fiber. Studies show that daily chia seed consumption reduces total cholesterol. Chia seeds are very affordable and can be supplied to you by Wellcare.

  1. Eat one large green salad each day, and include raw onion. Higher leafy green and cruciferous vegetable (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts) intake is linked to lower risk of heart disease.

  2. Eat steamed green vegetables with every lunch and dinner. Recent research suggests that phytochemicals from green vegetables can turn on the body’s natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection mechanisms.

  3. Include tomatoes in your diet daily. Many observational studies have made a connection between higher blood lycopene (the signature carotenoid of the tomato) and lower risk of heart attack. Try and eat one raw tomato every day

  4. Have 1 Tbsp. of chia seeds each day. Have an omega 3 plus a DHA supplement

Taking a DHA and EPA supplement ensures adequacy of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. I recommend that you get these beneficial omega – 3 fatty acids from Krill oil. This can be found at Wellcare. Call our office or visit our website to find out how you can get some

  1. Avoid refined carbohydrates and added oils. Processed foods are full of these calorie-dense, nutrient-poor ingredients that promote weight gain and increase heart disease risk. Avoid foods like white bread, mandazi, chapatti, refined white rice, pasta and refined cereals

  2. Minimize animal products to less than 150 grams per week and no more than twice weekly. Choose lean cuts and prefer local chicken and fish as your choice of animal products If you have heart disease or significantly high cholesterol, avoid animal products altogether. Higher animal product consumption is linked to increased heart disease risk.

  3. Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water daily Water is the medium for most chemical reactions in the body and is actually very important in cholesterol metabolism. Drinking water regularly keeps the cells hydrated and reduces the effect of bad cholesterol in the body. Besides, the body is 70% water and so it must make logical sense that water must be consumed abundantly to keep the body functioning well.

  4. Get regular physical activity.

It is highly recommended to get at least 20 – 30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity on 3 – 5 times a week. The more exercise the better. And remember that the best exercise is the one that you will do. Someone once said that “The person who cannot make time for exercise, must be prepare to make time for being sick”. Choose physical activity that you can enjoy as well as sustain but make the commitment today and get active. If not for yourself, do it for the sake of your children and loved ones who need you alive and healthy

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