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Army Base |VERIFIED|

Some Army bases, established in the build-up and during World War I, were named for Confederate officers in an effort to court support from local populations in the South. That the men for whom the bases were named had taken up arms against the government they had sworn to defend was seen by some as a sign of reconciliation between the North and South. It was also the height of the Jim Crow Laws in the South, so there was no consideration for the feelings of African Americans who had to serve at bases named after men who fought to defend slavery.

army base

All this changed in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd in 2020. Many people protested systemic racism and pointed to Confederate statues and bases as part of that system. Congress established the commission in the National Defense Authorization Act of fiscal 2021. Then-President Donald J. Trump vetoed the legislation because of the presence of the commission, and huge bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress overrode his veto.

The commission issued its first report in May 2022, which addressed renaming Army bases. The commission finished their mission on Oct. 1, 2022 and there was a 90-day period for public comment. That has now expired and the renaming of the bases may proceed apace.

Reducing truck impacts on the local streets in West Oakland is also a goal of the redevelopment of the former Oakland Army Base. The West Oakland Truck Management Plan is an action-based plan designed to reduce the effects of transport trucks on local streets in West Oakland.

Army ROTC has several scholarships available for college-bound high school students. Review your options at ROTC Scholarships, or immediately apply by creating an account at to get started.

In 2002, the Arizona Revised Statute that limited Camp Navajo's ability to do business with the commercial and civilian sectors was amended, and the restriction for Camp Navajo to only accept federal funds was lifted. As a result, we have now broadened our customer base to include civilian and commercial customers to augment and compliment our federal customers.

Adak Army Base and Adak Naval Operating Base were the westernmost bases in the nation for a short while. Located about 1,400 air miles southwest of Anchorage, Adak Naval Base remained active until the late 1990s. It is one of eight National Historic Landmarks in Alaska that was designated to commemorate the World War II in Alaska.

When the Japanese bombed Unalaska Island and invaded Attu and Kiska islands in June 1942, American defenses in the Aleutians consisted of an army and naval base at Unalaska and an army airfield on nearby Umnak Island, both 700 miles east of Kiska. Although bombers could reach Kiska, they could not be escorted by shorter-range fighters. The need for an Aleutian advance base further west became urgent. Establishing a base on Adak, about 250 miles from Kiska, allowed U.S. forces to mount a successful offensive against the two Japanese-held islands. Construction began on September 1, 1942 and was completed by the end of 1943 with the first bombers carrying out missions from the base on September 14, 1942.

As the most westerly American base Adak allowed for intensified bombing (with fighter plane protection) of the Japanese garrisons. As the most westerly naval operations base from the fall of 1942 to the end of the campaign, it provided support to the ships and submarines of the North Pacific Force in their fight against the enemy in northern waters. Its excellent harbor provided shelter for the assembly of a large task force for the assault on Kiska. And its rugged tundra-covered terrain and fierce weather provided ideal conditions for training the Allied invasion force in amphibious warfare in the Aleutians. Had a northern invasion of Japan's Home Islands occurred, as was once proposed, Adak's Reserve Depot would have provided the essential materiel for such an undertaking.

Megen Kepas at Utah State University and her colleagues have studied the behaviour of Colorado checkered whiptails (Aspidoscelis neotesselatus) living on Fort Carson US military base near Colorado Springs. Apache, Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters and F16 fighter jets operate from the base, so the researchers wanted to see if they affected the behaviour of the lizards.

The United States operates a global network of military installations and is by far the largest operator of military bases in the world, with locations in dozens of nations on every continent, with 38 "named bases"[note 1] having active-duty, US National Guard, reserve, or civilian personnel as of September 30, 2014. Its largest, in terms of personnel, is Ramstein Air Base, in Germany, with almost 9,200.[1][note 2] The Pentagon stated in 2013 that there are "around" 5,000 bases total, with "around" 600 of them overseas.[2] Due to the sensitive and often classified nature of this information, there is no comprehensive list with the exact number or location of all bases, stations and installations. The total number of foreign sites with installations and facilities that are either in active use and service, or that may be activated and operated by American military personnel and allies, is just over 1,000.[3]

U.S. officials have been accused of collaborating with oppressive regimes and anti-democratic governments to secure their military bases, from Central America to Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.[4] The Democracy Index classifies many of the forty-five current non-democratic U.S. base hosts as fully "authoritarian governments."[4] Military bases in non-democratic states were often rationalized during the Cold War by the U.S. as a necessary if undesirable necessity in defending against the communist threat posed by the Soviet Union. Few of these bases have been abandoned since the end of the Cold War.[5]

Several rounds of closures and mergers have occurred since the end of World War II, a procedure most recently known as Base Realignment and Closure. Anti-racist agitation in the early 2020s led to calls for changing bases to remove the names of Confederate figures who fought against the United States in the American Civil War.[6] The Naming Commission was created by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021,[7] and renaming began in December 2022.[8]

The U.S. operates drone bases from three locations across Niger. These locations are staffed by several hundred U.S. Special Operations Forces in a non-combat role, aiding the Nigerien military with training and surveillance.

At the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in southern Ukraine, more than 500 Russian soldiers who seized the facility in March recently have deployed heavy artillery batteries, and laid anti-personnel mines along the shores of the reservoir whose water cools its six reactors, according to workers, residents, Ukrainian officials, and diplomats. The Ukrainian army holds the towns dotted on the opposite shore, some 3 miles away, but sees no easy way to attack the plant, given the inherent danger of artillery battles around active nuclear reactors.

U.S. Marines and Sailors with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (26th MEU) successfully completed their final land-based exercise, MEU Exercise III (MEUEX) by conducting distributed operations within the littorals of eastern North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana from Mar. 3 to Mar. 15, 2023.

Costs are typically based on total Family income. In general, the cost of military childcare is lower than equivalent civilian care because the military subsidizes the program. The subsidies go directly to the program and usually pay about half the cost of care. The Soldier's fees pay the other half. Subsidies vary by military branch and by facility. If there is not space available in one of the child development programs, the Soldier will be offered a place on a waiting list.

Russia has significantly strengthened its military presence in its northernmost archipelagos by upgrading its bases on Wrangel Island, Kotelny Island, Franz Josef Land, on the shore of the Kara Sea, Alykel, Tiksi, Chokurdakh, Chersky, Kigelyakh, and Taymylyr. Many of these installations have airfields or will be equipped with 2,500-meter runways that can receive Russian fighter aircraft. Similarly, each of these installations has or is scheduled to recieve a radar detachment capable of improving domain awareness in Arctic airspace, and many are equipped with modern and sophisticated weaponry including the Rubezh coastal missile systems and the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft weapon systems.13,14 It has been reported that Russia has deployed S-400 surface-to-air missile systems to the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and to the Yakutian port of Tiksi.15

The first indications of the Sopka-2 installation were observed in commercial satellite imagery from May 13, 2016.21 The location chosen for the radar side is approximately 1,500 meters north northwest and above the trefoil base for safety reasons and 675 meters north northwest and above the communications facility to minimize interference.

Located just north of downtown San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston (FSH) is the oldest installation of Joint Base San Antonio and among the oldest of the U.S. Army. FSH is known for its medical services and healthcare. The base is home to the Brooke Army Medical Center and the San Antonio Military Medical Center, which provides high quality care to military personnel, veterans, their families, and civilian emergency patients.

Gonzales was killed at Fliegerhorst Kaserne, a former U.S. Army base in Hanau, Germany, where she was stationed as a cook at the time of her death, the FBI said. Her body was found on Nov. 5, 2001, in her third-floor barracks room after she failed to report for work, and her cause of death was ruled a homicide by asphyxiation, according to the agency. 041b061a72


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